Ballet Russe Dances with Tabla for Twoannstudio2014-10-22T17:45:24+00:00 Gallery Ballet Russe Dances with Tabla for Two
Tabla for Two Goes to Weirdo Theater!annstudio2013-11-03T21:56:43+00:00 Gallery Tabla for Two Goes to Weirdo Theater!
ooooooh! The ULTRA DEEP FIELDannstudio2013-11-01T22:39:28+00:00 Gallery ooooooh! The ULTRA DEEP FIELD
Tabla traveling the Swan Nebula!annstudio2013-11-01T22:38:35+00:00 Gallery Tabla traveling the Swan Nebula!
Tabla experiencing a huge Gas and Dust finger in the Eagle Nebulaannstudio2013-11-01T22:37:29+00:00 Gallery Tabla experiencing a huge Gas and Dust finger in the Eagle Nebula
Tabla invading large Megellanic Cloud! 160,000 miles away!annstudio2013-11-01T22:36:02+00:00 Gallery Tabla invading large Megellanic Cloud! 160,000 miles away!